Expertise increasing company value

Fondo Assietta Private Equity III

Technical Plast, founded about forty years ago, is today a strategic partner for companies looking for reliable and efficient solutions in the replacement of metal components used by the same customers in their devices / machinery with plastic components (so-called "Metal Replacement »).
Over the years, the Company has developed a privileged relationship with selected companies to which it provides a personalized service that ranges from identifying the customer's need and choosing the best technopolymers to use, to the design and construction of the mold (Technical Molds) and manufacturing of plastic components.
The investment rationale is aimed at developing the business model of a company that represents Italian excellence in the processing of plastics nobles, a sector with very high growth expectations in the coming years.

Caffè La Messicana Piacenza

  • Sector: Roasted Coffee
  • Turnover: € 2 mln
  • Year of investment: 2015
  • Status: Sold
  • Web site:

Caffè La Messicana Piacenza S.p.A. was founded in Piacenza in 1957 with the mission of offering a high quality coffee to its clients. For the coming years, through the creation of a closed system coffee machine/capsule, Caffè La Messicana Piacenza aims at exporting the tradition of Italian espresso to foreign markets.
The rationale of the investment is represented by the opportunity of offering a high quality coffee on an international basis, meeting a growing demand of capsules, both for the family and segments.

- Guida Impianti

  • Sector: Lines for steel cutting
  • Turnover: € 10 mln
  • Year of investment: 2015
  • Status: Sold
  • Web site:
Since 1962, Guida Impianti has been working in the field of design, production and sale of lines for slit coil/sheet processing (steel, inox, copper, aluminium) mainly for service desks, pipe manufacturers and coil producers. The firm has developed a leadership position in the market with approximately one thousand installed cutting lines all over the world.
The rationale of the investment is to support the entrepreneur in enforcing an expansion plan in international markets by making use of all the technological skills developed by firm and leveraging on the Company strong brand awareness.

- Brenta PCM

  • Sector: Injection moulds and components realized in technopolymers for the automotive industry
  • Turnover: € 30 mln
  • Year of investment: 2015
  • Status: Sold
  • Web site:
Since its foundation in 1970, Brenta PCM S.p.A. has been working in the field of injection moulds and components realized in technopolymers, mainly for the automotive industry. Through the years the Company has passed numerous binding qualifying processes, offering high quality moulds and components, setting long lasting relations with some of the most important tier 1 players in the industry.
APE aims at growing Brenta PCM’s business, both organically and through add-on opportunities, while keeping the same high qualitative standards required by its customers.

MMB lavorazioni meccaniche

  • Sector: Metal components mainly for the oil & gas and motion & control industries
  • Turnover: € 10 mln
  • Year of investment: 2016
  • Status: Sold
  • Web site:
Founded in the’20 and headquartered in Solbiate Arno (Varese), MMB Costruzioni Meccaniche (“MMB”) is specialized in the production of metal components. Over the years the Company has developed a strong know-how in processing different types of metals (steel, nickel, aluminium, titanium and superalloys) based on specific clients’ needs and with short delivery time, setting long lasting relations with some of the most important producers of valves for the oil & gas and corporations in the motion & control industry.
The rationale of the investment is to pursue an expansion plan both in the domestic and international markets, leveraging on the Company strong know-how to serve new clients in various sectors with tailor made components.

Naturalia Tantum

  • Sector: Organic cosmetics and food supplements
  • Turnover: € 30 mln
  • Year of investment: 2017
  • Status: Portfolio
  • Web site:

Naturalia Tantum Spa is the holding company of the pole of companies active in the production and marketing of cosmetics and natural integration products that aggregates six companies, Sanecovit, Bioearth International, Effegilab, Di-Va, Togethair and Natural Way Laboratories.
The Group is active in Italy and abroad on the various sales channels with its own brands and with PL projects in GDO, GDS, herbalists, pharmacies, parapharmacies and perfumeries.
The rationale for the investment envisages strong growth in the cosmetics segment and natural integration for internal lines to position itself as a reference player in the specific sector.

